February 14, 2025


Scripture-Based Musical Encouragement, Biblical Teaching, and End Time Prophecy


What Was is Now


Give attention to the ear and hear the word of the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ, O house of Jacob, who are called by the name of Israel and who come forth from the seed of Judah; you who swear allegiance to the God of Israel and mention His name:

Your pledge is void of verity and loyalty, says the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ, your Maker.


You who declare your dependence on the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ, the God of hosts, through proclamation of citizenship: hearken to the word of the LORD.


Thus says the LORD Jehovah God of Israel and Creator of Universes in the Lord Jesus Christ,

What was to come has been declared from the beginning and propagated into the present through the prophets. My declarations went forth from My mouth and I made them part of the now by suddenly doing them so that they came to pass.

My mouth declared the future in the present day planned from of old because I knew your heart to be as hard and stiff as your neck.

Now you cannot say, my idol has foretold these things that are now present and commanded them into being. Because My word is and was before any graven and idolatrous image.

I have revealed specific new things from of old that were hidden in reserve since the beginning which you have not known. Will you not now give heed to it? And will you not bear witness to it?

What was is now called into being by the prophetic word. Before this time now you did not know them as your ear did not receive them. So you cannot say, I knew it!

Indeed, My plan and purpose were hidden from the hearing of the ear and blind to the eye. As I have known you, O house of Israel near Jerusalem and dispersed throughout the earth, have done egregious acts of rebellion against Me. You have been known to rebel and transgress from birth.

To preserve the glory due to My name I defer My anger to keep Myself from emancipating you.

You, O house of Israel are chosen to be refined in the furnace of affliction.

For the mercy and loving-kindness through My name, I do not completely destroy you. For a remnant shall arise out of the ashes to give glory to Our Begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. I will not allow any glory that belongs to Me to go to the false deities of idols; they will not prevail over you. For My name will not be defiled or desecrated.


Hearken to the word of the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ, O Jacob, Israel!


Thus says the LORD Jehovah God of Israel and Creator of Universes in the Lord Jesus Christ,

I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.

The vibrations of My mouth in synchronicity with My outstretched arm have established the foundational structure of the earth and the heavens. When I speak they both obey by showing forth their presence to glorify My divine purpose and power.

Gather yourselves together and bring your attentiveness towards Me, your Maker! Who among the American astrologers in Babylon predicted these things? I, the LORD, have sounded a trumpet among the Americans that has risen out of the north that will do My will.

The trumpet in Babylon will smite his enemies and make the way smooth for the Second Coming of the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, Our Begotten Son.


Round yourselves around this prophecy and listen to this:

I have spoken plainly and clearly since the plague broke out among us. The LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ has pressed upon me His will through the power of the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit DECLARES:

I am the Holy One of Israel who leads you in the path of prosperity through your adherence to the truth.


If only you had listened to and obeyed the commandments of the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ! Then your prosperity would have brought forth peace. And your truth and faithfulness would have been as abundant as the expanse of the heavens.

Your people and their offspring would have been as the water of all the oceans combined. And their names would certainly have not been lost.

Come out from the midst of Babylon! Disperse and diffuse yourselves away from the Americans! With the sound of the trumpet this message is being sent throughout the entire earth:

The LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ has redeemed Israel!

When the offspring of Jacob, Israel wandered the wilderness, his shoes worn not nor did his tongue parch for thirst but the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ split the rock for water.


Thus says the LORD Jehovah God of Israel and Creator of Universes in the Lord Jesus Christ,

Peace will never establish itself among the wicked.

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 @DoD @USAF @USArmy @USNavy 

@WhiteHouse @USSenate @USCongress 

@SupremeCourt @ColoradoJudicialBranch @DenverCountyCourt



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@ThorntonHighSchool @CUBoulderEngineering 

@NASA @LockheedMartin @ULA

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@ChristianLegalSociety @AdamsCountyChildrenFamilyServices @LifeLongInc @BrightonHighSchool

@DenverPolice @BoulderPolice @ColoradoSpringsPolice 

@ThorntonPolice @BrightonPolice

@DenverFireDept @DenverHealth

@UptownSquare @THSLawFirm

@MentalHealthCD @ColoradoCrisis 

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