Come down and sit in ashes, O Virgin Daughter of Denver, Colorado||Mount Zion||America. Collapse with the horror of humiliation; for there is no throne for you, O Daughter of the Americans. No longer shall you be called noble; princely and precious.
Prepare yourself like the poorest of peasants by exertion of effort unto the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ in exchange for food and a foundation above which to dwell. At the command of your captors, you were asked to remove your skirt; bearing your skin.
The Word of the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ came to me concerning the rebellious backslidings of America, saying,
Mother of the Lord Jesus Christ in Me, prophesy to the cities of Thornton, Colorado, Denver, Colorado, and Washington D.C. where all leadership proceeds forth into the land and say unto them:
Thus says the LORD Jehovah God of Israel and Creator of Universes in the Lord Jesus Christ,
Your nakedness was exposed revealing shame through sight of being seen to expose what is in My word as what is and what will be. I will take vengeance, being sure to spare not one. No, not one will be able to resist Me.
Dwell in silence by descending deep into the darkness, O Daughter of the Americans. No longer shall you be seen as the queen of the city.
I profaned My inheritance; for I was wroth with My people, Judah. And into the hand of the Babylonians I led them like sheep to the slaughter. They were given no mercy by weight of the yoke.
The captors decreed dictatorship over the city; not considering the sudden bitter end to such conduct.
Therefore hear this, I implore you; who enjoy the pleasures of plundering My people. You who dwell safely and securely with pitiless hearts that say, I am ruler and will never live the life of a widow nor grieve the loss of children.
In a moment; within a day’s span you will be visited with desolation and destruction: loss of children and ordination into widowhood. The strength of your calamity will be at maximum capacity, despite your submission to evil spirits through false claims and balances charmed forth in great abundance.
Denver, Colorado||Mount Zion||America trusted in their wicked deeds through violation of the law by law enforcement. For they said in their hearts, I have received approval by the judges of the court. Therefore, I can. But the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in the Lord Jesus Christ says, I AM and besides Me there is nothing.
The Word of the Lord Jesus Christ in the LORD Jehovah God of Israel came to me concerning the rebellious backslidings of America, saying,
Woman of the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in Me, prophesy to the cities of Thornton, Colorado, Denver, Colorado, and Washington D.C. where all leadership proceeds forth into the land and say unto them:
Thus says the Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the LORD Jehovah God of Israel and Creator of Universes,
Because you have trampled the law of your God, My Father in Me, in your heart, evil shall come upon you suddenly without any further warning. And sacrifices made to your foreign gods will bring it to pass without an antidote.
Dwell perpetually among your gods, sacrificing livestock and incense unto them Denver, Colorado||Mount Zion||America. See if you can intensify the wrath of My Father in Me, your true God, and amplify terror!
You are bogged down with many plans and devices contrary to the word of the LORD Jehovah God of Israel in Me. Let your false prophets proclaim a future state for your nation that will never see the dawning of day, Denver, Colorado||Mount Zion||America.
Your idols are as dry dead wood, prepped for consummation by the fire that devours what is desired before it becomes.
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