#YHWH||ANYAMARY||JESUSISRAEL say in agreement together,
August 19, 2020 14:17 NYDT – King @Donald J Trump of Babylon on August 13, 2020 sealed the deal on a monumental peace treaty between Israel and the United Arab Emirates through 6 weeks of talks involving the King of Babylon’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

This peace treaty has sparked great anger in the region amongst Palestinians in the West Bank who did not advocate for the deal and who argue the peace deal leaves their status in limbo. As well as amongst many Israelis who desire Israel’s sovereignty declared over the West Bank for biblical reasons.

There are only two other peace treaties in place with Israel. One made between Israel and Egypt signed in 1979 and Israel and Jordan signed in 1994.
#YHWH||ANYAMARY pray in agreement together,
Dearly Begotten Son and Lord, Jesus Christ:
Let Your Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. May the peace of Israel be only with full sovereignty, as divinely ordained by the Word of God.
#YHWH||ANYAMARY||JESUSISRAEL share scripture, #Ezekiel 13:16

#YHWH||ANYAMARY||JESUSISRAEL share scripture, #Numbers 33:51-53

#YHWH||ANYAMARY||JESUSISRAEL share scripture, #Leviticus 33:33-34

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